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Therapy vs. Coaching: What are they & which one is right for me?

Coaching is a buzz word and we all have opinions about therapy. But what are they, really? How are they similar? How are they different? And how the hell do I figure out the right one for me, when I’m struggling and need that extra support in my life?! WTF is Personal Coaching, Anyway…? Most

Therapy vs. Coaching: What are they & which one is right for me? Read More »

32 Words of Kindness for the Important People in Your Life

Let’s take a look at some words of kindness we can use to improve our connection to the people closest to us. We may think that saying something nice and saying something kind are the same thing, but kindness is a bit more multifaceted. Let’s use an example. Maybe you’re at a family party that

32 Words of Kindness for the Important People in Your Life Read More »

Thanks Denise! My Take Aways From Denise Duffield-Thomas’s Book Chillpreneur

Deeeeep Sigh…of relief! From a random thread recommendation came Chillpreneur into my life and damn, I am grateful! Let me preface by noting that I have never read a self-help book about business. It honestly sounds incredibly boring for an experiential learner, such as myself. But the premise was so intriguing – The New Rules

Thanks Denise! My Take Aways From Denise Duffield-Thomas’s Book Chillpreneur Read More »

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Coping with the winter blues: how to deal with seasonal depression

We are smack dab in the middle of winter here in the Northern Hemisphere and, is it just me, or is this getting harder with each passing year? Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), sometimes referred to as the “winter blues” effects millions of people across the globe. The colder and darker your

Coping with the winter blues: how to deal with seasonal depression Read More »